DiSC | why we use it and why you should too.
Knowing your team, fostering connections and building relationships based in trust is a valued part of leadership and successful business. Try DiSC.
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DiSC Workplace
Everything DISC® Workplace is a classroom training and personalized learning experience that can benefit every person in the organization-regardless of title or position-in building more effective relationships at work.
This application teaches participants to understand themselves and others while learning to appreciate different priorities, preferences, and values each individual brings to the workplace. With personalized insights and actionable strategies, participants learn how to adapt to the style of others, ultimately improving engagement, collaboration, and the overall quality of the workplace.
The Everything DiSC Workplace Profile focuses on:
• Discovering your DISC® style
• Understanding the styles of others • Building more effective relationships Exploring People-Reading and Comparison Reports (optional)
DiSC Management
Everything DISC® Management is a classroom training and personalized learning experience proven to increase the effectiveness of anyone in a management role.
Participants deepen their understanding of themselves, their direct reports, and their own managers using the DISC model while learning how their management style influences their approach to decision-making, time management, and problem solving. Participants walk away with concrete strategies to help them adapt to the styles of their direct reports, enabling them to bring out the best in their people.
The Everything DiSC Management Profile focuses on:
• Your DiSC Management style • Directing and delegating
• Motivating and developing others • Working with your manager
DiSC Productive Conflict
Everything DISC® Productive Conflict is a classroom training and personalized learning experience that increases self-awareness around conflict behaviours.
This application helps each participant effectively respond to the uncomfortable and unavoidable challenges of workplace conflict by combining the personalized insights of DISC® with the proven science of cognitive behavioural theory. Rather than focus on a step-by- step process for conflict resolution, participants gain personalized techniques to curb destructive behaviours so that conflict can become more productive, ultimately improving workplace relationships and results.
The Everything DISC Productive Conflict Profile focuses on:
• Deepening understanding of self and others in conflict
• Understanding and recognizing destructive behaviours
• Exploring techniques to redirect destructive behaviours into more productive responses
DiSC and Sales
Everything DISC® Sales is a classroom training and personalized learning experience designed to help salespeople successfully create customer-centric interactions that improve results.
This application teaches participants to stretch beyond their natural Sales style to more effectively adapt to their customers' preferences and expectations- regardless of the customer's unique buying style. The experience is sales-specific with in-depth information, including tips, strategies, and action plans to help salespeople become more effective.
The Everything DiSC Sales Profile focuses on:
• Understanding your DISC® style
• Recognizing and understanding customer buying styles
• Adapting your sales style to your customer's buying style
• How to adapt DiSC style to meet the customer's needs
DiSC Work of Leaders
Everything DISC® Work of Leaders is a classroom training and personalized learning experience that connects unique leadership styles to real-world demands.
This application brings together best practices from 300 experts in over 150 organizations, the important work of prominent scholars, and over four years of additional research and development to provide participants with an actionable path toward more effective leadership. With one unified model of leadership-Vision, Alignment, and Execution-it helps leaders understand their own leadership styles and how their tendencies influence their effectiveness in specific leadership situations.
Everything DISC Work of Leaders focuses on:
• A simple, compelling model of leadership
• Personalized insights to leverage, strengths and overcome challenges
• A clear path for improvement
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This simple yet powerful model describes four basic styles: D, i, S, and C, and serves as the foundation for the Everything DiSC® Application Suite. Participants receive personalized insights that deepen their understanding of self and others, making workplace interactions more enjoyable and effective. The result is a more engaged and collaborative workforce that can spark meaningful culture improvement in your organization.
This application uses clear visuals and a conversational narrative style to interpret and explain its data, making the report easy to understand and use. Whether an emerging high potential or an experienced executive, participants incorporate critical feedback from direct reports, peers, and bosses into a development plan that is both productive and satisfying, ultimately elevating leadership effectiveness.